There’s nothing like a rainy day living in a three hundred and fifty square foot “house” with another adult and a dog to make a person a bit introspective.
So - as I sit here in the RV with Nic and Nova, looking back over the last two years, the things that jump to mind aren’t the maintenance issues we’ve had, like entry stairs failing, AC quitting, rock hitting the windshield, and slide leaking, to name a few. Or the human (me) failure issues, like forgetting to close the gray waste tank drain valve before we move, not paying close attention to the fluid level when using the wastewater buggy, or double-checking the GPS directions...
And it’s not the big-name attractions…

But it’s things like reuniting with old friends…

Having family join you for fun at holidays…..

Plus, all the oddball roadside stuff that you find scattered across the country that you would never see if you don’t get out and explore. Things like….
Roadside Dinosaurs...


...and spiders, oh my!

Stonehenges in different variations scattered across the country

Arcades labeled as Museums

Giant-sized household items

And then, there is the outright strange stuff

So - in closing, after reflecting over the last two years, with all the good, bad, and ugly, the next time someone asks me if I regret the decision to sell our stick-built house, get rid of almost everything we accumulated over thirty-plus years of marriage and become nomads, I can honestly say… “Oh, hell no!”
Keep the rubber side down.
C. Bit