Today one year ago, I published my first novel; Tinaree - Trail by Inferno, book 1 of my debut series Shadows of Peace. So, it's only fitting that I celebrate this achievement.
Since book two in the series did not make the deadline to be available for sale today, I decided instead to use today to reveal its cover and announce the title of book 3.
First, the cover, side by side with the cover of book 1:
Originally, I had intended for Tinaree to be just one book, the first in the series, but clearly Taylor and friends had other ideas. As I started writing, I realized that this part of the story is way too big to fit into a single book--which seems to be a theme for this whole venture.
Then, I had figured two books would be enough, and by the time book 1 was published, I already had a third of book two written. But, again, I made my plans without consulting the people the story was about.
Not only did Taylor, Tonee, Salayla, and Kaydeen not agree with me, but multiple other characters, who I had earmarked for minor roles, decided to take over much larger chunks of this section of the story.
Well, this writer in progress will bow to the characters of this story and make Tinaree a trilogy, which is quite fitting, I might say, all things considered.
Book 3 is in the works, with multiple scenes already written. It will be the conclusion to the events on Tinaree, though not the end of the series, and its title will fittingly be: